Individuals - Cassius Sports
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It is our belief that to achieve optimum performance in any field, individuals need to be prepared to move out of their comfort zones. Our life-changing ‘Pushing The Limits’ programmes challenge individuals physically and mentally to a whole new level.

We are committed to driving results and will give you the platform to:

  • Believe you have the mindset of a champion and the attitude of a winner
  • Build and define your personal brand
  • Overcome setbacks and recharge your self-belief and motivation so you go back feeling both mentally and physically stronger

By focussing on the 12 Cassius Improvement Pillars, attendees leave feeling refreshed and with a renewed confidence that will have a positive impact on every area of their life.

Development Areas

Senior Sports Professionals

The margins that separate the top from the bottom in sport are slight.

Our intense programmes are proven to deliver accelerated results by improving physical performance, mental strength and self-belief.

These programmes are on an individual basis only.

Company Professionals

Finding like-minded people at work or in your friendship group that want to push themselves is sometimes hard. Our sports based courses attract forward thinking individuals wanting to “Push The Limits” both personally and professionally.

Our programmes are known for their instant results by boosting all 12 of the Cassius Improvement Pillars.

Aspiring Talent

In such a competitive industry, more and more high performing young talent is regularly lost in the system.

We enable you to challenge yourself by completing the programme responsible for developing some of the country’s finest young talent.

Our programmes motivate individuals to develop every aspect of their life, enhancing self-belief whilst reaching new- found performance levels.

Example “Pushing The Limits” Individual Programme